Digital Prep for the Digital SAT® Exam

The most effective online preparation for the digital SAT is here!

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Are Your Students Ready for the Digital SAT (DSAT)?

The new digital SAT exam is coming in 2024. Are your students ready to do their best? Not only will the exam be administered online, there are a lot of changes to the content. Preparing students with the same, outdated SAT materials won’t help them reach their goals. They need to understand the content changes AND get used to the new testing interface. Students deserve a new way to prepare for a completely new kind of test.

Why Choose Us?

Exam-Like Interface Icon

Exam-Like Interface

UWorld’s DSAT preparation will have a digital interface that matches the actual exam - helping students become familiar with the format.

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Realistic Content

UWorld’s question stems and content replicates the changes of the exam so that students are preparing for the actual test they will be taking, not an outdated version.

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Meticulously Created by Educators

UWorld will still have the same high-quality, research-based, explanatory feedback that helps students learn as they practice and correct their own mistakes.

Test Performance Reporting Icon

Insightful Data & Reporting

Track usage and measure test-readiness with real-time data dashboards and reporting at the student, class, school, and district levels.

Backed by Research

Our online learning tools align with research on providing practice with elaborated, explanatory feedback to promote recall and enhance learning. Read more about how our methodology helps high school students on their path to college and beyond.

Contact us for more information and to schedule a demo

Students looking at laptop and preparing for DSAT test with UWorld

Discover Our Online Learning Tools for AP® Courses

Make AP curriculum understandable for every student and manageable for every teacher.

  • Easy assignment tools save teachers time
  • Exam-like questions and detailed explanations improve learning
  • Robust reporting allows for data-driven decisions
  • Available for 12 AP subjects and counting
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