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5 Reasons Your Students’ AP® Exam Scores Aren’t Increasing (And How to Change That)

Are your students’ AP® exam scores stagnant despite your best teaching efforts? You’re not alone. Many AP educators and administrators face similar challenges, but understanding the root causes can help you implement effective solutions. Here are five common reasons AP scores don’t improve and actionable solutions to address each issue. Reason #1: Lack of Quality Data Analyses The Problem: Without accurate and comprehensive data, it’s challenging to make informed decisions about your AP program. The data you need often involves multiple stakeholders, including counselors and AP coordinators, so gaining access to it isn’t always a simple process. Waiting for the College Board® to release test scores can delay your analysis, too. Additionally, sifting through this data to identify trends and areas for improvement requires dedicated time and resources, which can be scarce. This lack of actionable data hinders your ability

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