Online Preparation for the ACT® Exam

Preparing students to do their best has never been easier!
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Are Your Students College Ready?

We help educators and students achieve high exam scores with proven methods of preparation and insightful data. Our online preparation for the ACT exam focuses on questions that mimic the format and difficulty of the tests and research-based strategies for providing explanatory feedback.

Build Confidence and Ability with UWorld

Investing in quality test prep in your school or district engages students in their learning, reduces exam anxiety, deepens understanding, and helps them remember more information on test day.

Purposeful Practice

Access over 3,000 questions covering all of the concepts tested on the exam.

Customizable Assignments

Assign premade practice sets aligned to your instruction, or create your own.

Data-Driven Insights

Identify student strengths and areas of improvement.

Individualized Learning

Explanations and embedded support help students learn as they practice.

Flexible Implementation

Use in prep courses, summer boot camps, or integrate into core classes.

World-Class Support

Initial training, continued support, and ongoing professional development.

Why It Works

Like what you see?

Request more information or schedule a demo now.

Your Partner Every Step of the Way

We offer a variety of services to make sure you are set up for success and feel supported throughout your implementation.

Initial Training

In-person, virtual, or on-demand training options are available to set you up for success.

Ongoing Support

Email, phone, and in-person support ensure a smooth and successful implementation.

Continuing PD

Professional development can be customized to fit your needs and align with your goals.

Resource Center

A centralized library contains guides, tip sheets, videos, and more to support your program.

Hear From Our Users

The UWorld prep format is particularly suited to AVID students because questions can be sorted by level of difficulty, and a “hint” is available to help a student with the first step of solving a problem. Additionally, the teacher may project one question for the entire class, and students may work in collaborative study groups to arrive at the answer. The students may see explanations for the correct answer and the incorrect answers as soon as they have responded to the question.

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Judy Stricklin
AVID District Coordinator, Irving ISD

Uworld helped my students improve up to 9 points in English and Reading. It is a proven ACT prep resource.

Joseph Hoff
ACT Prep Teacher, Tunica County, MS

Uworld helped me gain my passion for learning, develop crucial study skills, and helped me get my motivation back. It made the ACT more approachable, helped me learn new ways to tackle the tests, and identify my weaknesses, so I could analyze it. Uworld helped reduce my test anxiety because it increased my confidence. You have no idea how much it has helped me. Uworld is my lifesaver. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I am eternally grateful.

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Richa M.
High School Student

Backed by Research

Our content aligns with research on providing practice with elaborated, explanatory feedback to promote recall and enhance learning. Read more about how our methodology helps high school students on their path to college and beyond.

Industry Recognition

2023 EdTech Awards Cool Tool Finalist
2023 EdTech Awards Cool Tool Finalist
Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence - Best of 2022
Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence Best of 2022
The Tech Edvocate Awards 2022
The Tech Edvocate Awards 2022
Parent and Teacher Choice Award
Parent and Teacher Choice Award
2022 Ed Tech Finalist
2022 EdTech Awards Cool Tool Finalist
A group of high school students looking into laptop using UWorld Course for AP.

Discover Our Online Courses for AP®

Everything needed for success in one, easy-to-use platform.
  • Comprehensive resources that save teachers time
  • Promotes effective instruction and deep learning
  • Measures AP mastery, program effectiveness, and test-readiness

Contact us for more information and to schedule a demo

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